2day went 2 find part-time job and finially hv find one but mus wait until e manage cor us down 4 works.
so tmr myb wil go wif peihiang find some more in case this one cnt ....
if e manage gt cor miie n karen will be split...
one at bugis e other at central
paid is quite okie(:
if really cn works , 2 months cn earn at least 100 n above...
so much!!!!!
den cn buy anything tat i wan 2 buy long ago(:
still gt 1 month to our N level result release..
My pimple still hvn recover yet mus recover be4 e holidays end
so everyday mus go execrise or working(:
den mus wake up early becos if everyday wake up ver late pimple will getting more and more):
so unhappy:D